Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Credit Crisis is coming! I'm selling raincoats here!

OK… anyone that still has a credit card please stand up! Put your right hand over your heart and swear, “I <insert name here> do solemnly swear to never again foolishly spend money that I do not already have.” Now, cut up ALL of your remaining credit cards and hold a funeral for them.

How anyone can possibly hold on to a credit card after the bailout is beyond me.

Liquidity will be essential in the coming years. Are your personal finances "illiquid?" If you had an emergency, would you need a bailout or could you cover it yourself? Are you sacrificing your future for a higher standard of living today?

Three years ago, we decided to become debt free. We used Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University but you could just as easily use good 'ole common sense. It's not rocket science. Just live on less than you make and decide to never borrow another DIME from anyone. It wasn't easy.

Jen and I worked and worked and worked. We painted for family, landscaped, made home repairs for others, sold everything that wasn’t tied down, refused to take a vacation or go out to eat for a very long time. We sacrificed movies, restaurants, Six Flags, extra toys for the kids, new clothes, new cars, new tools. Anything that was frivolous, we cut it out of our lives. WE DID IT! We're debt free, except the house. And I assure you, we are living like no one else now! Along the way, God gave us testimony and blessings that are so numerous and unbelievable, I’m not even going to try to explain them all. You just need to see it for yourself!

There is an unseen war going on for your heart and soul. The devil knows that where your money goes, so goes your heart. So, lean hard on the Lord, he will protect you.

The rain IS coming, are you protected?


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